form of text mode art that uses       
     all of the text based characters      
     to produce logotypes and art.         

     Sometimes the borders between new     
     school ASCII, ANSI, and NFO art       
     is blurred. Especially since a        
     lot of artists drew colored new       
     school ASCII and then by              
     definition made it ANSI. But,         
     from my perspecitve, NFO art          
     uses mostly block characters          
     while the new school ascii use        
     more or less every other              

     Compare the logos below with the      
     ones on the NFO page.        

     d$$$`      `$$$b.,s# #  #
  ² ²²$$l     _,s$$$$$╝²"^``  ░ ░░
    ^^````.,d$╝²"`I$$$: '.      ▒▒
      .sS$$╝` .d$ :$$$l ,$b  $  $$ $$$$b.
   .d$$$$P`,db $$b l$$$,$$$b ssssss.`$$$$.
  .$$$$$P ,$$$b`$$ :$$$l$$$$b $$$$$$ l$$$l
  l$$$$$l ,`$$$b`$: l$$$$'T$$b $$$$$ l$$$l
  l$$$$$b $,`$$$b`$ :$$$l  T$$b $$S',$$$$'
   ╚$$$$$.`$,`$$$b ,d$$$$ b T$$b.`.d$$$$'
     `╚S$b,.`.`$$$$╝²"^`.,`b T$$$$$$$P'
   ░░  _ `^"² s``,s#$',$$b ╚b,`²╩╩²`   ░
     *²^`       `$$$',`$$$b Y$$S#²_____
   l   awe 97/02 `P`,$,`$$$b ╚$P',$$$$
    .             .d$$$.`$$$b._.s$$$$$
  dy `²*s .__  s*²'     s╝²"^``^"²b
                     `             `

     The new school asciis here are        
     all done in pure text, without        
     ANSI codes or colors, and             
     represents what I think is            
     really creative use of the            

     There are a lot of ascii art          
     generators on the web, but the        
     result they produce seldom come       
     close to the quality produced by      
     the hands of the skilled artist.      

     More artwork to explore

   - 1996/acdu0996/ASC0996A.ASC
     ╚ ACiD ASCII logocluster #15 --- -

   - 1999/rmrs-32/Pm-r81.asc
     ╚ Remorse by Polymorph --- -

   - 2002/mjd-02/CL!-EPS2.ASC
     ╚ mafia jeopardy --- -

   - 1997/serial04/sar-cls3.asc
     ╚ serial --- -

   - 1997/awe9701/DY-DOINK.ASC
     ╚ Doink by Discyple (awe) --- -

     THE 'NEW SCHOOL ASCII ART' is a form of text mode art that uses all of     
     the text based characters to produce logotypes and art.                    

     Sometimes the borders between new school ASCII, ANSI, and NFO art is       
     blurred. Especially since a lot of artists drew colored new school         
     ASCII and then by definition made it ANSI. But, from my perspecitve,       
     NFO art uses mostly block characters while the new school ascii use        
     more or less every other character.                                        

     Compare the logos below with the ones on the NFO page.     

   .d$$$$$$$x.  '`+
  :$$$$$$$$$$$$x. ,1                     _,d.
  $~    `"T$$$$$$$$"    _,u       _,u   ,$$$       _,u.   ,u.  ,u _,u.     d
  !      .  dP^""_    ,AP$$$b.  ,A$$$$b,a$$$__aa.,AT$$$b.A$$B :$$b$$$$,  ,d$;
   ~:...-` ;$L ,$$b,.d$$P"$$$$bd$$$"$$$k$$$$$$$d$$$P"$$$"$$$$d$$$$Y$$$k:d$$$1
     ,.   :$$$b$X$$;9$$$  1$$$"1$$$ "Y' 1$$$   1$$1 :$$$ l$$$  "Y' $$$:  $$$I
   t~"$$x C$$$$b ^  1$$$  1$$$ 1$$$     1$$$   1$$1 :$$$ l$$$      $$$;  $$$I
     ,$$$b'$$$$$b   1$$$  1$$$ 1$$$    ,1$$$, ,1$$1 ;$$$ l$$$      $$$l  $$$I
    d$$$$l '$$$$$b ,1$$# ,1$$$,T$$$$u.,d$$$$bad$$$$ J$$$,d$$$L ,.  $$$l  $$$I
   :$$$$P    ?$$$$; "C$$P""$$$" "C$$$P'"C$$$P" "C$$$$P" ^"C$$$P"  d$$$bad$$$;
 _ C$$$; ____ $$$$ __"Y' _ "Y' __ "P' __ "Y" ___ "Y`^_____ "Y" ___ "$$`^ $$$ _
 $ T$$$ d$$$$ X$$f $$bad$$$bad$$$$bad$$$$bad$$$$$bad$$$$$$$bad$$$$$baadP $$F,$
 "  "&$, """ ,$$$'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 9$" ""
     `^4a_,d$$P^                                                      ./"

     The new school asciis here are all done in pure text, without ANSI         
     codes or colors, and represents what I think is really creative use        
     of the characters.                                                         

     There are a lot of ascii art generators on the web, but the result         
     they produce seldom come close to the quality produced by the hands        
     of the skilled artist.                                                     

      Some favourite logos and artists

                 sssssyyyy yyyysssssssyyyyyy ssssss              $$$$
         yyyyyysssssss$$$$$$$$$              yyyyyy yyyyyysssssss$$$$s
         $$$$$$       $$$$$$$$$       yyyyyysyy$$$$ $$$$$$     ∙ $$$$ ∙
        yy$$$$$ ∙     $$$$$$$$$       $$$$$$y$$$$$$╜$$$$$$     . $$$$ .
       . $$$$$$ .   .d$$P"~"4$$b.     $$$P"'~'"4$$$y$$$$$$     : $$$$ :
       : $$$$$$ :   $$$l     l$$$   ∙ $$l       )$$$$$$$$$     i $$$$ i
      .i $$$$$$ i   '4$$b╖,╓d$$P'   . $$$b╖,.,╓d$$$ $$$$$$     l $$$$ l.
 _.,╓d$l $$$$$$ l     $$$$ $$$$     : $$$$$$$$$$$$$y$$$$$$    .$ $$$$ S$b╖,._
   ~'"4l $$$$$$ $.    $$$$y$$$$ b╖,╓$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ b╖g╙' $$$$ lP"'~
 -─- - i $$$$$$ "4b╖, $$$$$$$$$. ~"4$ $$$$$$╜$$$$$$ $$$$$$ P~ _.╓$$$$ i - -──
       : ╙"'"╙4y. '4$ $$$$ ╜"'"╙4y. ' $$$$$$ ╜"'"╙4$$$$$$$  .dP╜"'"╙4 :
 ─---───-─-─- - 4b,   $$P - -──-- 4b. $$$$P - --─-  4$$$$$.╓P - -─-─-───-─--─
                 '╙SyS╜'           '╙S$S╜'           '╙S$S╜'

 THE    _,╓╥╥╖,_  $$$$;    _,╓╥╥╖,_          _,╓╥╥╖,_    ╓╥╥╖  _,╓╥╥╖,_    EHT
  ,d$$P`        `?$$$$$$$P`        `7$$$$$$7`        '8$$$$$$8'        '8$$b
 ;$$$$b,_         1$$$$$s,           $P'$$1        __,d$$$$$$l       _,s$$$$1
 l$$$$$$$$$ $     $P'"$$$$b,__       ',d$$|    $ $$$$$$$ⁿ"`?$;   $ $$$$$$$$$$
 ?$$$1"``         ',sd$$$$$$$$$ $    1$$$$1        `""ⁿ$,db,`       ``""7$$$$
 ;$$$$b.        ,d$$$$$$$$$"~~`    ,d88P4$$bsssssssssgd$$$$$$b,         ,$$P'
   `?$SS$y╥╥╥╥y$$$t$$$ⁿ"?$$by╥╖,,,_`ⁿ"`  "8$$$y╥╖,,__`"ⁿ7$$$$$$$$b╥╥╥yd$$P'
      `~"╙╨╨╨╨╜"~ └╨╨╜    `"╙╨╨$$$l         ~"╙╨╨$$$$$$$$$$$$`~"╙╨╨╨╨╜"`
                               ""``              ~~~  `"?$$$$b,.
 det djupa -- opererad av cain 'The Deep' 403-246-1174   `?$7ⁿ`  NUP; gUPPIE

dust chaos?         **ggÿÿⁿⁿ                       **ggÿÿⁿⁿ
-yes, fuck you//      $$$l                           $$$$:
                     :$$$:           ,_              l$$$l
         ,gÿÿggssssssJ$$$ÿÿg**      l$$$ygÿÿll;;     :$$$$ÿgsssss
         l$$$'       $$$$$$$        $$$$$$$l,_        $$$$'       ÿÿgg
         :$$$ ;;     $$$l$$$        $$$l``""ⁿⁿ╩╩4QQÿÿgl$$$        $$$l
          $$$ ll    :$$$:$$$       :$$xxggg**    `$$$$:$$$       :$$$:
          $$$:$$    l$$$ $$$:      l$$g $$$:      l$$$ $$$:      l$$$   ·∙.
          l$$l$$    $$$$ l$$l      $$$$ l$$l      $$$$ l$$l      $$$$ · pm :
          :$$$$$ÿÿgg$$$l :$$$ÿÿgggg$$$l :$$$ggÿÿÖÖ$$$l :$$$ÿÿÿggg$$$l `∙..∙'
;,,,,,,,,  `4,__,$$$$$l . `4$$$$$$$$$l ..`4$$$$.__,$l ,,`4$$$$$$$$$l  .,,,,,,,;
l$$$$$lll;∙   $$""ⁿⁿ╩ⁿ' ∙::..``""ⁿⁿ╩ⁿ' ``'· ``""ⁿⁿ╩ⁿ' ``'· ``""ⁿⁿ╩ⁿ'·``;;llllll
l$$$$$7`,gQ$$ÖÖ$ÿp, ÿÿgg ::∙ ·    ,gQ$$ÖÖÖll::;,gQ$$ÖÖÖÿp, `,gQ$$ÖÖll:: ;$$$$$l
;$$$$l ;$$$',∙ `$$$l$$$$,gÿQQÿp, ;$$$'.· *gggg;$$$'.· `$$$Q8Q$$l,_   ∙;ll$$$$$;
;$$$$; l$$$ ;,. ╩ⁿ"`$$$$`.  `$$$ll$$$ :.. l$$$l$$$ :.  l$$l ·`""ⁿⁿ╩Qÿÿgg l$$$$;
 $$$$: $$$$ ::: gggg$$$$ : · l$$$$$$$ ::: l$$$$$$$ ::; l$$$ÿÿgg** . l$$$ ;$$$$
 $$$$; $$$$ ::; l$$l$$$$ ;;  l$$$$$$$ `` ,$$$$$$$$ :;; l$$l$$$$ ::: l$$l ;$$$$
;$$$$l l$$$,___,$$$;$$$$ ll, ⁿⁿⁿⁿ$$$$ llÖÖ$$$$l$$$,___,$$$;l$$$,___,$$$; l$$$$;
;$$$$$;,``""ⁿⁿ$$ⁿⁿ` $$$$ $$l;,,, ╩╩ⁿⁿ ,,, l$$$ ``""ⁿⁿ╩╩ⁿⁿ`,,``""ⁿⁿ╩╩ⁿⁿ` ;$$$$$;
l$$$$$ll;;;;, $$ ,; ⁿⁿ╩╩ $$$llll;;;;;;lll ⁿⁿ╩╩ ;;;;;,,,,;;ll;;;;;,,,,,;;l$$$$$l
$$$$$$$llllll ll ll;;;,,;$$$$$$$llllll$$$;;;,,;lllllllllll$$llllllllllll$$$$$$$
`ⁿ╩╩╩╩╩ⁿⁿⁿⁿⁿ` ;; `""````"ⁿ╩╩╩╩╩ⁿⁿ""""ⁿⁿ╩ⁿ""```""ⁿⁿⁿ""""ⁿⁿⁿ╩╩ⁿⁿⁿⁿ"""""ⁿⁿⁿ╩╩╩╩╩ⁿ`

       ,,┌g┐,,.           .,┌╦╦┌,.            ,┌┬╦┐┐             ,┌┬╦╗┐
   ,pQ$$$$$$$$$$Qp,   ,pQS$$$$$$$$$Qp,   ,pQ$$$$$$$$$$Qp,   ,pQ$$$$$$$$$lQp,
 :$$$$$P"`  `"PSllii:$iillP"`  `"P$$$$$:$$$$$P"`  `"PlllSS:$$$$$P"`  `"Piiiil;
 $$$SSS:      :SSSllii;;ii:      :$$$$$$SSS$$:      :iiilllSS$$$:       ;;;;ii
 SSSlll        lllSSllii;;        SS$$SSSSSSS        ;;;iiillSSS        iiii;;
 llliii        iiillSSllii        SSSSSllllll        iii;;;iilll        llllii
 iii;;;        ;;;iillSSll        llllliiiiii        llliii;;iiimmmmmmmmSSSSll
 ;;;∙∙∙ ∙     ∙ ∙∙;;iillSSmmmmmmmmiiiii;;;;;;; ;     SSSlll"""""        $$$$SS:
                    ,╔╦╦╦┐,,      ,,┌╦╦╗,           .,┌╦╦┌,.                 ::
                ,pQ$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Qp,   ,pQS$$$$$$$$lQp,
              :$$$$$P"`  `"PSllii:"`  `"P$$$$$:$iillP"`  `"Piii;;:
              $$$SSS:      :SSSlli      :SSS$$ii;;ii:      :;;;iii
:: : :: ::: : SSSlll        lllSSl       lllSSllii;;        iiilll ::::: ::: ::
              llliii        iiillS       iiillSSllii        lllSSS
              iii;;;        ;;;iil       ;;;iillSSllmmmmmmmmSSS$$$
              ;;;∙∙∙ ∙     ∙ ∙∙;;i     ∙ ∙∙∙;;iillSSmmmmm         massm(awe!asc)

                  Noname Ascii .. The phearing begins here ..

y%@SS$$$$░ⁿ"""ⁿ?S@a y%@SS$$$$$ⁿ""ⁿ$S@y, y%@SS$$$$$ⁿ""ⁿ$S@y, y%@SS$$$$$ⁿ""ⁿ$S@y,
?$$$$$$$$$yyyyyyyyy,?$$$$$$$$$ ░  $$$$$b?$$$$$$$$$ ░  $$$$$b?$$$$$$$$$    $$$$$b
y,.....__   `?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `,_$$$$$$$yyyyyyyyya%@S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  ░ $$$$$$
?$$$$$$$$$y  `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:  `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: ░ $$$$$$
`?$$$$$$$$$   $$$$$P`?$$$$$$$$l   $$$$$P'?$$$$$$$$l   $$$$$P`?$$$$$$$$l_' $$$$$P
  ?$$$$$$$$ ░ $$$$P'  ?$$$$$$$$   $$$$P'  ?$$$$$$$$   $$$$P'  ?$$$$$$$$   $$$$P'
  `$$$$$$$$   $$P'    `$$$$$$$$   $$P'    `$$$$$$$$   $$P'    `$$$$$$$$yyyPⁿ"`
   `""??$$yyyy$P'      `""??$$$yyy$P'      `""??$$$yyy$P'      `""??$$$

haji   _,╓╥╦╦ÿÿÿ╦╦╥╖,_       ╒yyyy╕                        ╔╦mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm╦╗
    ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$k,    ├$$$$;                        ╠╣                ╠╣
  ┌$$$$$Ñ┘'``   ``'└Ñ$$$$$┐ _├$$$$;                 ╒yyyy╕ ╠┤                ╠╣
 ;$$$$P`             `4$$$$$$$$$$$;                 ├$$$$┤ ├┤                ╠╣
 $P'``                 d$$$P'`'4$$$b                ├$$$$┤ ├;                ╠╣
;1 ;╬╣          .     :$$$1     1$$$:               ;$$$$┤ ;;                ╠╣
;$b,..        .t$b.    4$$$b, ,d$$$P                ;$$$$┤ ;..               ╠╣
 $$$$t       `4$$$$b.  t$$$$$$$$$$t                 t$$$$┤ . :               ╠╣
 '``'4b_       `4$$$$bd$$$$:`~`$$$$b_             _d$$$$$┤ . .               ╠╣
      1$ÿ┐,.     ll$$$$$$P      4$$$$ÿ┐,.     .,┌ÿ$$$$$$$┤   ∙               ╠╣
     ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$↕$b.      '↕$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$│$$$$┤   .               ╠╣
       `'²$$┴$$$┴┴┴²'`4$$$$t        `'²┴┴┴$$$┴┴┴²'` └┴┴┴┴┘                   ╠╣
       _,╓$$╦$$$╦╦╥╖,_ `4P`   ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ$$$╦╦╥╖,_                          ╠╣
    ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$k,     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$k,                       ╠╣
  ┌$$$$$Ñ┘'``   ``'└Ñ$$$$$┐   $$$$$          ``'└Ñ$$$$$┐                     ╠╣
 ;$$$$P`             `4$$$$; _$$$$$               `4$$$$;                    ╠╣
 $$$$t                 t$$$$d$$$P'`                 t$$$$                    ╠╣
;$$$$;                 ;$$$$$$$Γ                    ;$$$$;                   ╠╣
;$$$$;                 ;$$$$$$$L                    ;$$$$;                   ╠╣
;$ÑÑÑ:                 ;$$$ÑÑÑÑÑb,                  tÑÑÑÑ                    ╠╣
;$ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm   ;$$$ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm    _d$ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmÑÑ
;$yyy╕                 ;$$$yyyyyyyy           .,┌ÿ$$$yp
                       `````` ↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕┴┴┴²'`

      More artwork to explore

    - 1996/acdu0996/ASC0996A.ASC
      ╚ ACiD ASCII logocluster #15 --- -

    - 1999/rmrs-32/Pm-r81.asc
      ╚ Remorse by Polymorph --- -

    - 2002/mjd-02/CL!-EPS2.ASC
      ╚ mafia jeopardy --- -

    - 1997/serial04/sar-cls3.asc
      ╚ serial --- -

    - 1997/awe9701/DY-DOINK.ASC
      ╚ Doink by Discyple (awe) --- -


  :                                      :
  :                                      :

                 (c) 2024

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