the amiga ascii scene is a            
     completely different art scene        
     than the pc art scene i was           
     involved in way back. the main        
     difference is that the amiga had      
     a vary different font compared        
     to the pc. the "topaz" font had       
     a lot higher characters which         
     made / and  connect to each           
     other in a very different way         
     compared to what we were used to      
     on the pc.                            

     the two different scenes still        
     inspired each other and a few         
     artists did both pc and amiga         

     the easiest way to look at amiga
     ascii today is to install the
     retrotxt browser extension and
     head over to

     or head over to aSCIIaRENA.

   \_____  \____  \_____  |  ________  \
     |  _ _/|  |\  \/  ___|  |  ||  _ _/
     |  |  \|  |_\  \  \__|  |  ||  |  \_
     |__|_  /__|\___/\____|___  /|__|_  /


       the amiga ascii scene is a completely different art scene than the       
       pc art scene i was involved in way back. the main difference is          
       that the amiga had a vary different font compared to the pc. the         
       "topaz" font had a lot higher characters which made / and                
       connect to each other in a very different way compared to what we        
       were used to on the pc.                                                  

       the two different scenes still inspired each other and a few             
       artists did both pc and amiga ascii.                                     

             ______                  ______    _____     |   |---,
  __________/    //_________________/    //____|_  |     |   |___|__________
  \________      /_\   ____________      / |   :   |_____|   |     _______//
   |   |  /     /   ____\__|___|  /     /  |      _____      _      \    ______
   |   | /     /\    \  /     /| /     / \ |       \  /      |  \    \  /    //
   |   |/    _/__\    \/     / |/     /   \|   \    \/     / |   \    \/     /
   |   _____________    ____/  ______/      ____\     ____/  |___|\     ____/
 ::|___|::::::::::.\____\`:|   |::::. \_____\`::.\____\`:|   |::::.\____\`:::::
       :                   |___|                         `---'

      the easiest way to look at amiga ascii today is to install the retrotxt
      browser extension and head over to

      or head over to aSCIIaRENA.

                                     .   .

           _ _ __.___ __ __. ________:   :_ __.____ ____.____ _
               __|_  \ _/  |__       |   |_/  |   _/  __|__
           _ _/   |___\\_ ___/_ _____|   |\_  |   \_  :/   \_ _
           \\\______   |   |   \\    /    |   |___|   /_____///
              /   :/   _   |    _   /|    _   :   _       \
            ©d\   /    \_  :    \_  \|    \_      \_      /dS!
              _\    ___//_______//__ :  __//______//_    /_
           <--\\\___/==============/    |===========\___///--->
                                  .     .
                   - qUALITy nEVEr gOEs oUt oF sTYLe! -


             .                                               .
             :                                               :
             ª                                               ª
             |                                               |
             |___             ___             ___            |___
_ ___________|   \___________|   \___________|   \___________|   \__________ _
      ___\   l____/______\_____   /______\   |    /______\_______ /___
_ ____\________       \__  __|/       \__    |        \__    |/_______\_____ _
   \         l/  Sn      \_\___          \_  l           \_  l           \_
    \_____________        /__|            /_______        /_______        /
             l___________/   l___________/   l___________/   l___________/
                    |                               |
                    |         sAVE oUR sOULS        |
                    |___             ___            |___
     _    _ ________|   \___________|   \___________|   \_______ _    _
             ___\_____   /______\   |    /______\______  /___
    _  _ ____\      |/       \__    |        \__    _  ______\_____ _  _
          \    Sn   l           \_  l           \_  |           \_
           \_____________        /_______        /__|            /
                    l___________/   l___________/   l___________/

           __            __            __         __               __
_ _ ______|  \_     ____|  \_     ____|  \_     _/  |         ____|  \___ _  _
   ___\   l___/_____\_____  /_____\   |   /_____\   | ________\   l___/__
___\________     \__    |/     \__    |_     \__    |/     \________     \__
\         l/        \_  l         \_  l/        \_  l  Sn     \_  l/        \_
 \____________       /______       /______       /______       /_____        /
          |_________/   l_________/   l_________/   l_________/   |_________/
          |                                                       |
          ª                                                       ª
          :                                                       :
          ╖                                                       ╖
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        _________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
      ___\_    _/_\_    _/_\_    _/_\_    _/_\_    _/_\_    _/_\_     /
     /    /____    /   /    /___     /___     /___     /___     /____/
    /    __/ /  __/    \___    \\_   \_ /    __/__\___    \\_   \_
   /    /   /   \         /    / /    //   _/        /    / /    /
  /____/   /____/_____________/ /____/ \_________________/ /____/
           ______    ______         _________         _______
           /    /____/    /__________\_     /___   ____\_    \
          /    /    /    /_\_         /    /   /   /    /    /
         /    /    /        /      __/  __/   /   /    /    /
        /   _/   _/        /       \    \    /___/   _/    /
        \_____________    /   _____/____   _/    _________/sYz
                     \________/       /_________/


 _ _____  _ _____  _ _____  _ _____  _ _____  _ _____ (____)_ _____  _ _____
_\\\_   \_\\\_   \_\\\_   \_\\\_   \_\\\_   \_\\\_   \______\\\_   \_\\\_   \_
|   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |    |   |    |   |    |
|sYz|    |  _|   _|   |____|   |____|   |____|   |____|    |   |    |   |    |
|   |    |  \_   \_\___   \_   _/____\___   \_\___   \_    |   |    |   |    |
|   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |    |   |    |   |    |
|   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |    |   |    |   |    |
|   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |    |    |   |    |   |    |
|_  :    __  :    __  :    __  :    __  :    __  :    __   __  :    ____|    |
  \______| \______| \______| \______| \______| \______| \__| \______|   |____|


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  :                                      :
  :                                      :

                 (c) 2024

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